I have five Screwpumps built vertically following the wiki guide. I do not have any other machinery attached, but it was my understanding that one dwarf would be able to power the whole stack. I ended up having to put five dwarves to work to get the water to the top. Do I have to link the stacks somehow (mechanisms? Axles?) The guide seemed to suggest that the pumps just being vertically aligned w/ alternating pump directions would be sufficient. The stack does "work", but how can I make it work w/ just 1 dwarf powering the thing instead of a dwarf at every pump?
I have them linked vertically like this: On the second floor I have a gear powering the stack, but it is not powering any of the other ones. I do have a Dwarven Water Reactor Like Raven mentioned, but it only powers the pump on the second floor. Do I need to build vertical stack of gears next pumps?