Questions tagged [dead-island]

A 2011 zombie horror game by Techland, focusing on first-person melee combat, set on a tropical island overrun by the walking dead.

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How do quest XP rewards scale, mathematically?

You can see in this video that the quest XP reward scales at each level: There's also some notes written in the description. How much does the XP reward scale by per ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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Does Second Chance work in car?

In Dead Island, Purna has a Survival skill called Second Chance (bottom left) which has a chance of instantly reviving Purna upon death. When a player dies in a car, unlike outside of cars, the player ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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Shops refresh when?

Traders each offer an inventory of items that changes every so often. What is the period at which the offering updates?
NiteCyper's user avatar
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Which shotgun is better for safe distance dismemberment?

In Dead Island, there are two types of shotguns: shotguns and short shotguns. In comparison to the latter, the former holds two more shells, is more accurate, shoots fewer pellets, and seems to reload ...
NiteCyper's user avatar
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