Questions tagged [diablo-iii-monk]

The Monk is a melee fighter, with an emphasis on speed, combos, aura bonuses, and tactics, rather than the brute force of the Barbarian. Many of the Monk's skills have an Eastern martial arts influence, while his appearance is a mixture of European medieval monks with saffron robes and fashions drawing from the Eastern, Shao Lin style influence.

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Do Sweeping Wind - Cyclone tornados still proc Life on Hit?

In 2012 Diablo III builds, the Monk's Cyclones generated from Sweeping Wind were considered damage from you rather than summons, and so they proc'd Life on Hit (confirmed here). Is that still the case ...
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Does "Wave of light" pillar of the ancients, stack?

When playing a Monk, with Wave of Light, Pillar of the Ancients rune... if you drop 3 pillars at the same time, do all 3 pillars hit the enemy for stacked damage?
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