Questions tagged [dragon-age-origins-awakening]

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is an expansion for Dragon Age: Origins. It was first released on March 18 2010 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. (later released for Mac)

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Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition not saving

I've installed Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition in my PC (Windows 10). The installation was successful and the game works fine. I saved and quit the game after playing 1 hour. When I again launched ...
Vinoth Karthick's user avatar
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How can I complete Law and Order without starting a new game?

I would like to resume an old Awakening save, but on loading I discovered that I must have triggered the Smuggler's Run/Law and Order interaction "bug". The bartender's "open the passage" dialogue ...
Iskar Jarak's user avatar
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How do I use given gifts?

I've recently started Awakenings on Xbox360 and got Ser Pounce-a-lot. Its description says "Use: This item has a unique power", but I can't figure out how to use it. It's in the Useable Items section ...
Kareen's user avatar
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Dragon Age: Origins Trophies in Awakening

I have played through Origins twice & have still not obtained some trophies. I was wondering if any non-story specific trophies for Origins will pop during a play through of Awakening. To name a ...
ItsPete's user avatar
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How do I access Awakening in the Ultimate Edition of Dragon Age: Origins for PS3?

I have the Ultimate Edition of Dragon Age: Origins for PlayStation 3, which comes with Awakening and all the DLC. I know I'm supposed to access Awakening by starting a new game, but it's not showing ...
Laura Adler's user avatar
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Do I need to own Orgins to play Awakening

I really like DAO, but I am just burrowing it from a friend. I have found DAW for pretty cheap and I want to play it, but am I limited to playing it only while I still have DAO. I know it is an ...
kwelch's user avatar
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Trying to play Dragon Age: Awakening on a 4GB Xbox 360 isn't working

Okay so, I got the Ultimate Edition of DAO and when I try to install Awakening it gives me an error saying I need an Xbox 360 HD. I have a 4GB elite Xbox 360! Why is this game not working?
Elizbeth's user avatar
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How can I maximize my trophy/achievement collection in Dragon Age: Awakening?

I'm playing through Dragon Age: Awakening, and I'd like to maximize my trophy collection while minimizing my play-throughs. Is it possible to get all the trophies in one play-through? Are there any ...
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When can I access the Deep Roads in Dragon Age Awakening?

I currently have access to and have cleared out the basement area in Vigil's Keep. Sergeant Maverlies keeps saying that "The men are still clearing the rubble in the basement. They'll be finished ...
FAE's user avatar
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What do I do with the stones in the Wending Wood?

In the Wending Woods in DA:O:A, there is an arrangement of stones which go back to some sort of Tevinter enchantment. When you first arrive, there's a stone missing, but I've found the missing stone, ...
JSBձոգչ's user avatar
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In what order should I play the Dragon Age DLC?

I want to finish up playing through Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening and the DLC before Dragon Age 2 comes out. I already have The Stone Prisoner, Warden's Keep, and Return to Ostagar. In what order ...
FAE's user avatar
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Any way to recover my gear from this bug?

I recently ran into this bug where my commander lost all his gear. Unfortunately at the time, I progressed through the dungeon enough that my auto-saves all got overwritten, and my previous save is ...
l I's user avatar
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What do I miss in Dragon Age Awakening if I don't import a character?

I have a complete play-through in DAO with a noble warrior and a mage, but I felt like starting up a rogue instead for Awakening so I started a new character in DAO and imported it over, but ...
l I's user avatar
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What's the connection between Dragon Age: Origins, and Dragon Age: Awakening?

I recently bought Dragon Age Origins -- Ultimate Edition from steam, and aside from a few minor issues, I think I will end up enjoying it. However, I'm a little confused about what I'm supposed to be ...
Raven Dreamer's user avatar