Questions tagged [final-fantasy-13]

The 13th game in the main Final Fantasy series. The game features an AI driven battle engine where the player can determine overall strategy via Paradigms or instead input commands to use a specific skill or change the paradigm.

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Can I import my FFXIII saves from XBox to PC?

Is there any way I can import the FFXIII saves from XBox to my computer for Steam?
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Is Hope saying that he's feeling that "something bad's about to happen" intended to be a boss battle warning?

Starting from about Chapter 9 or 10, before several boss fights, with Hope in the battle team, I often hear Hope saying the following: Why do I have this feeling something bad's about to happen? ...
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FFXIII menu cursor moves on its own

When the main menu of FFXIII loads up the cursor keeps moving between START and SETTINGS by itself. If i time it right i can go to SETTINGS and the cursor is stuck on the top. If i hold down arrow it ...
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