Questions tagged [goscurry]

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2 votes
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How do you get the 'Rules Breaker' achievement?

I'm having trouble with one of the the miscellaneous achievements in Goscurry. RULES BREAKER | Avoid an obstacle without jumping/evading How do you do that?
GnomeSlice's user avatar
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Am I the Goat Hero?

At one point during my last journey through the world of Goscurry, the environment decided to give me this bizarre and frankly rather ominous message. GOAT HERO! Who, or what is this Goat Hero? Is ...
GnomeSlice's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are the ships only different in appearance?

There appear to be six unlockable ships. They don't have any tooltips or anything, so I'm thinking maybe their just for aesthetics? Do the different ships behave any different from one another?
GnomeSlice's user avatar