Questions tagged [red-dead-redemption]

Red Dead Redemption is a sandbox action-adventure game set in an old Western timeline developed by Rockstar San Diego. The game's protagonist is John Marston, a former outlaw, who sets out to hunt down his former gang members.

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Not able to target and shoot in Red dead redemption when controls are changed

I am used to target and shoot with L1 and R1 respectively. By default, in RDR target and shoot are L2 and R2 respectively. There is an option called "flip R1 with R2 and L1 with L2" in setings->...
MVSR's user avatar
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Can I move a save-game from Red Dead Redemption with DLC to a vanilla copy of RDR?

Last year for Christmas I got Red Dead Redemption GOTY for the PS3, which includes all the DLC.I then gave it to a friend so he can play it. A few days ago my Dad gave me his vanilla version of Red ...
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