My partner died. I waited 3 days then I had the opportunity to bring him back to life at the science lab, but I accidentally declined the offer. Is there any way to get that opportunity back?

I really want him as a playable ghost. I researched it a lot but it seems I'm the only person stupid enough to have declined it.

I tried befriending someone and putting their needs on static once I moved them in. It's been a week. I have also tried working at the science lab and clicking to make all events happen and opportunities, but nothing works. I really don't want to give up.

1 Answer 1


You can resurrect a Sim by having their ghost eat Ambrosia Here's some more info

EDIT: As msg45f has pointed out - my answer was a bit off the mark -

The only way to make a playable ghost is through the Science lab route which isn't a repeatable event. The Ambrosia mentioned in my original point will bring a playable ghost back to life.

  • Seems like OP wants them as a playable ghost. Is it possible to get an uncontrolled ghost to eat the ambrosia and wouldn't it not result in bringing them back to life?
    – msg45f
    Sep 11, 2015 at 11:58
  • @msg45f Aah yes, my mistake - The only way to get playable ghosts is through the Science lab route, and then Ambrosia is used to bring the ghost to life. So my answer is a bit redundant..
    – Adam Lobo
    Sep 11, 2015 at 12:12

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