Possible Duplicate:
Where can I find all the datacrons and what can I get from them?

To englobe all "Where are the datacrons on blank planet?" questions, I'm here to ask: Is there a reliable source to find all datacrons of every planet? (like maps or something)

  • 2
    I think generally questions that ask for links to external sites are discouraged, because there's no guarantee the site will stick around.
    – Sterno
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 21:23
  • @MatthewRead You do have a point. But the question here is to englobe all questions that will ask for specific planets.
    – Fredy31
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 21:30
  • @Sterno Good thing you copy pasted all locations here. But yeah, I do see the point. We can't rely on external sites to be there forever.
    – Fredy31
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 21:31
  • I've copied my answer to that other question, because I agree, it sounds like a duplicate (though it wasn't answered as thoroughly there)
    – Sterno
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 21:39
  • 1
    @Fredy31 While the other question mentions Tython in the background information, the question itself on the other thread doesn't mention a planet.
    – user2974
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 22:08

1 Answer 1


Alderaan datacrons

  • Aim +4 X: 1106, Y: 78
  • Presence +3 X: -81, Y: -267
  • Willpower +3 X: -2508, Y: -427
  • Strength +4 X: 2191, Y: -2020
  • Endurance +3 X: 2721, Y: 2496

Balmorra (Empire) datacrons

  • Strength +2 X: 727, Y: 2033
  • Aim +2 X: -1017, Y: 1514
  • Willpower +2 X: 191, Y: -346
  • Cunning +2 X: 1853, Y: 111
  • Green Matrix Shard X: -505, Y: 1990

Balmorra (Republic) datacrons

  • Aim +2 X: 191, Y: -346
  • Cunning +2 X: -1017, Y: 1514
  • Presence +2 X: 730, Y: 2030
  • Endurance +3 X: -485, Y: -233
  • Willpower +4 X: -779, Y: 2069

Coruscant datacrons

  • Presence +2 X: 2320, Y: 1055
  • Yellow Matrix Shard X: 905, Y: 4557
  • Strength +2 X: -3087, Y: 3030
  • Endurance +2 X: -3729, Y: 161
  • Cunning +2 X: 1021, Y: 3967

Dromund Kaas datacrons

  • Strength +2 X: 855, Y: 643
  • Presence +2 X: 581, Y: 798
  • Cunning +2 X: -1219, Y: 209
  • Yellow Matrix Shard X: -187, Y: 1738
  • Endurance +2 X: -793, Y: 1450

Hutta datacrons

  • Aim +2 X: -96, Y: 861
  • Blue Matrix Shard X: -22, Y: 319
  • Presence +2 X: 497, Y: -13

Korriban datacrons

  • Willpower +2 X: 529, Y: 65
  • Endurance +2 X: 150, Y: 78
  • Red Matrix Shard X: -55, Y: 379

Nar Shaddaa datacrons

  • Republic - Aim +3 X: -3362, Y: -3316
  • Republic - Presence +3 X: 3338, Y: -3287
  • Cunning +3 X: 1958, Y: 3288
  • Republic - Strength +3 X: 2156, Y: 3103
  • Yellow Matrix Shard X: 1702, Y: 3084
  • Empire - Aim +3 X: -3699, Y: -1692
  • Empire - Presence +3 X: 2930, Y: 400
  • Empire - Strength +3 X: 2017, Y: 2441

Ord Mantell datacrons

  • Red Matrix Shard X: 778, Y: 133
  • Presence +2 X: -971, Y: 201
  • Aim +2 X: -660, Y: -561

Taris datacrons

  • Strength +2 X: 1187, Y: -571
  • Aim +2 X: -1515, Y: -253
  • Cunning +2 X: 1047, Y: 454
  • Willpower + 2 X: -362, Y: -227
  • Green Matrix Shard X: 1059, Y: 1039

Tatooine datacrons

  • Republic - Cunning +3 X: 2140, Y: -3671
  • Willpower +3 X: 2115, Y: -596
  • Aim +3 X: -628, Y: -30
  • Blue Matrix Shard X: -2391, Y: -1381
  • Strength +3 X: -2391, Y: -1381
  • Empire - Cunning +3 X: 726, Y: 3137

Tython datacrons

  • Endurance +2 X: -33, Y: -102
  • Willpower + 2 X: -648, Y: -72
  • Blue Matrix Shard X: -93, Y: 925

Source: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/

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