I'm still playing the arcade mode in "hard" difficulty, a rather easy one. Why ? Because the last opponent (Seth) and the special "rival" opponent ("Now, fight you rirval"rival" - Ryu, in my case) are super hard to beat, while all the previous fighters are simply ridiculeous..ridiculous. While Whilst I can manage the "rival", Seth is a real problem to me.
Is it because
- Akuma is a particularly weak matchup against Seth ?
- thereThere is a crazy increase of difficulty during the endgame, like the rival is one level above the selected difficulty, and the final boss is 2 levels above ? Since I can easily beat Ryu or Seth when I create a match against one of them in this difficulty, it seems pretty credible.
- I just suck like hell ?
Does anyone know how the difficulty increaseincreases in arcade mode (especially in the endgame) ?