Alright, listen to me, having won this game 7 times, I know what I am talking about. FatigueFatigue does not matter if you replace it with willpower, but I usually ignore it altogether.
I can honestly tell you that heavy armour attracts more attackers, so don't even think about shoving mages in plate. Besides, robes benefit them more with spellpower and defence.
Heavy armour on warriors can attract people away from your mages, so I would reccommend archonrecommend Archon and tervinterTervinter enchanter robes on your magi and juggernaut, dragonbone. Dragonbone, templarTemplar and legionLegion of the deadDead armour on warriors.
RougesRogues are meant to be lightweight tactical masters, but I honestly think that it makes no difference if you shove them in dragonboneinto Dragonbone plate or chantryChantry robes.