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Well, there is the all-favorite 'dig 3 blocks down and cap off the entrance' technique, but I assume you know about that.

What iI like to do is make a 3x3 hole 2 deep. Then...

I dig some more... diagram in need.

: 1 block deep

%# : 1 block deep
% : 2 blocks deep

! : door

% % #

% % #!

% % #

% % #
% % #!
% % #

works nice. It's able to fit a chest, crafting table, furnace, and a bed, although you may need to build into the wall.

Well, there is the all-favorite 'dig 3 blocks down and cap off the entrance' technique, but I assume you know about that.

What i like to do is make a 3x3 hole 2 deep. Then...

I dig some more... diagram in need.

: 1 block deep

% : 2 blocks deep

!: door

% % #

% % #!

% % #

works nice. It's able to fit a chest, crafting table, furnace, and a bed, although you may need to build into the wall.

Well, there is the all-favorite 'dig 3 blocks down and cap off the entrance' technique, but I assume you know about that.

What I like to do is make a 3x3 hole 2 deep. Then...

I dig some more... diagram in need.

# : 1 block deep
% : 2 blocks deep
! : door

% % #
% % #!
% % #

works nice. It's able to fit a chest, crafting table, furnace, and a bed, although you may need to build into the wall.

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Well, there is the all-favorite 'dig 3 blocks down and cap off the entrance' technique, but I assume you know about that.

What i like to do is make a 3x3 hole 2 deep. Then...

I dig some more... diagram in need.

: 1 block deep

% : 2 blocks deep

!: door

% % #

% % #!

% % #

works nice. It's able to fit a chest, crafting table, furnace, and a bed, although you may need to build into the wall.