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stop scv Stop SCV from building without cancelingcancelling
In pro-level games, I often see terranTerran players pulling scvsSCVs off half-completed buildings without cancelingcancelling the buildings (e.g.,shownthishere). How do you do that?
stop scv from building without canceling
In pro-level games, I often see terran players pulling scvs off half-completed buildings without canceling the buildings (e.g.,this). How do you do that?
Stop SCV from building without cancelling
In pro-level games, I often see Terran players pulling SCVs off half-completed buildings without cancelling the buildings (shownhere). How do you do that?
In pro-level games, I often see terran players pulling scvs off half-completed buildings without canceling the buildings (e.g., this). How do you do that?