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In minecraft how How do you command conditions onapply potion effects to players?

I'm developing a minigame server. I just need to know what commands to use, via command block, to give players special conditionseffects infinitely such as;as: speed boost, regeneration, or jump boost.I I know it's possible, I've played on games that use these things, or is it a mod?

In minecraft how do you command conditions on to players

I'm developing a minigame server. I just need to know what commands to use, via command block, to give players special conditions infinitely such as; speed boost, regeneration, or jump boost.I know it's possible, I've played on games that use these things, or is it a mod?

How do you apply potion effects to players?

I'm developing a minigame server. I just need to know what commands to use, via command block, to give players special effects infinitely such as: speed boost, regeneration, or jump boost. I know it's possible, I've played on games that use these things, or is it a mod?

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In minecraft how do you command enchantmentsconditions on to players

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