I recently re-played Dungeons and Demons DLC to obtain more achievemntsachievements and iI found on the most bottom corner, just before picking the speed magick, an umbrella walking cane. Picking it up, apparently, doesn't do anything, no active are shown and the only relevant thing that you can see is a small chained aura on your feet (it's not for the damage immunity or resistance though). I tried to search on the wikias and the only thing that is being shown is that this item is into the Heirloom pack, but no statistics are put. I tried to search into the file system but the only thing iI found is the model, iI couldn't find the informationsinformation. This is the image of the item http://oi60.tinypic.com/2vrzvpx.jpg:
Can you tell me please what does this item do? Thanks in advance.