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  1. Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots.
  2. Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm.
  3. When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply:
  • scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away

  • helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold)

  • hold lane while their back (free exp)

  • Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret.

  1. Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map.
  2. Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's".

So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team.

Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots.

Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm.

When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply:

•   scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away
•   helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), 
•   hold lane while their back (free exp) 
•   Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret.

Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. 

Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". 

So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. 

This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented  on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain.

In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best.

I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience
Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots.

Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm.

When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply:

•   scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away
•   helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), 
•   hold lane while their back (free exp) 
•   Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret.

Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. 

Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". 

So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. 

This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented  on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain.

In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best.

I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience
  1. Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots.
  2. Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm.
  3. When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply:
  • scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away

  • helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold)

  • hold lane while their back (free exp)

  • Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret.

  1. Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map.
  2. Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's".

So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team.

This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented  on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain.

In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best.

I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience
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Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots.

Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm.

When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply:

•   scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away
•   helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), 
•   hold lane while their back (free exp) 
•   Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret.

Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. 

Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". 

So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. 

This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented  on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain.

In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best.

I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience

Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots. Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm. When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply: • scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away • helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), • hold lane while their back (free exp) • Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret. Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain. In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best. I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience enter image description here

Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots. Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm. When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply: • scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away • helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), • hold lane while their back (free exp) • Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret. Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain. In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best. I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience enter image description here

Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots.

Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm.

When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply:

•   scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away
•   helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), 
•   hold lane while their back (free exp) 
•   Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret.

Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. 

Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". 

So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. 

This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented  on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain.

In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best.

I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience

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Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners Howeverhowever said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm, farming. Farming and ganking isare the most effective way to keep up in levels with you'reyour laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need thesemana pots and in some cases health pots. Another Another thing you do is ward especially pink wardsward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now while{star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively countcounter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane by. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm when. When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed itsor at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help you'reyour teammate is simply scare: • scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away or helping • helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), hold • hold lane while their back (free exp) and taking • Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret. Champions Champions that do not make a good jungler Anyoneanyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up and, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. Sometimes Sometimes though you can notcannot farm in you'reyour own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually withwhen mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane teemoTeemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was gankplankGangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time iI was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they maymay be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". So to finally So answer you'reyour question directly again. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relavityrelative to the enemy jungle champion", Hashas some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptersceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however offtankoff tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normalynormally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river incasein case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well itsit’s a huge gamble. I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time assolo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a jungler. I also watch streams by nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streamssign that they agreeing and reading articlesworking together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. This season hit jungler's very very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles iI have experimented on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only itemtime you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are abosuletlyabsolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustian proviedsustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain. In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best. I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience enter image description here

Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners However said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm farm and farm, farming and ganking is the most effective way to keep up in levels with you're laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc do not need these. Another thing you do is ward especially pink wards now while warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively count gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane by keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm when you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed its a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are ahead what you can do to help you're teammate is simply scare them a bit by dealing free damage and just walking away or helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), hold lane while their back (free exp) and taking down turrets (map control, gold, exp). Champions do not make a good jungler Anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up and gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. Sometimes though you can not farm in you're jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually with mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora and I was gankplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time i was home or when they killed my pink by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". So to finally answer you're question directly again. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relavity to the enemy champion", Has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp scepter on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however offtank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normaly start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river incase they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well its a huge gamble. I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. This season hit jungler's very very very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles i have experimented on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only item you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are abosuletly confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustian provied by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and have low sustain.

Ok first of almost any jungler "can" keep up in levels with laners however said champion must have some form of sustain as well as a relatively good clear. Now the way to do this is to farm, farm and farm. Farming and ganking are the most effective way to keep up in levels with your laners and I have actually managed on numerous occasions been able to get ahead of everyone in the game by doing this. The simple trick is basically buy pots both health and mana pots however champions like lee sin riven etc. do not need mana pots and in some cases health pots. Another thing you do is ward especially pink ward encourage your entire team to buy at one because you are limited to one, I normal buy a pink for this area of the map {star 1 in image} and that now {star 2image} depending on which laner I feel is mostly likely to be ganked and which area of the map the enemy jungler Is most likely to be moving around more. While warding does not give you bonus exp it allows you to effectively counter gank a jungler gank or roam gank from either mid and top and rarely bot lane. By keep vision of the map you know where you're enemies are and can safely farm. When you're lanes are either being ganked or being pressured a lot of people make the huge mistake of ganking lanes where the enemy laner is fed or at an advantage it’s a terrible thing to do on account to the fact that they are usually ahead, what you can do to help your teammate is simply: • scare them a bit by dealing free damage (basically you will recall and whatever damage you take is irrelevant or they are in a position where they cannot trade with damage with you) and just walking away • helping you're teammate push (free exp and gold), • hold lane while their back (free exp) • Taking down turrets (map control, gold, and exp) or dealing some free damage to the turret. Champions that do not make a good jungler anyone can take shaco who is one of the stronger early game gankers in the game and completely fail by feeding or ganking a lane where you're teammate does not help you or simply getting invaded and give first blood. To avoid all of this you ward and farm up, gank when its safe using wards and paying attention to the map. Sometimes though you cannot farm in your own jungle if that seems to be the case the best decision you can make (this will happen usually when mid and top laners who are counter picked or just not experienced enough to play against xxx champion or player) is to completely ignore these players advise them to freeze lane and try you're best to farm up help out different lanes. I once played a game where my mid did ok my bot was being pressured and my top lane Teemo was somehow losing to a Fiora (Teemo generally crushes AA champions with zero CC) and I was Gangplank so my ganks pre six would have been highly ineffective so I farmed and bought a ward every single time I was home or when they killed my pink, by keep this constant vision on the map and utilizing my ultimate as a utility spell rather than a "KS" or ganking spell we were able to keep all our turrets up throughout the entire game less our top lane and get ahead when the enemy laners became impatient and started to dive and pressure lanes without wards. PEOPLE will do this no matter how good they may be by playing safe and warding you will force them to make mistakes especially in lower "ELO's". So answer your question directly. Any champion that has "moderate clear time relative to the enemy jungle champion", has some form of sustain either by abilities or by an item (vamp sceptre on shaco, lee sin, zed, udyr etc.) and at least ONE hard cc ability (sejuani, zac, and wow basically any tank the down side being of course most tanks have very low clear times however off tank such as shyvana volibear and javarn amongst a few can excel with a few items) will work and FINALLY you're champion must be able to either escape or dual the enemy jungler if that jungler is an invading jungler ALWAYS start red or the buff they are highly unlikely to start at (master yi would normally start blue so he will invade you at red to counter that you will start red) use warding totems on the river in case they do a level 1 invade and IF you see any enemy jungler invading with either top or mid or both ALWAYS go in to steal their buff do not try to fight them as these engages never really end well it’s a huge gamble and solo q is generally well lacking on the team play side if they are invading you then that’s a sign that they agreeing and working together which generally is a good thing but not for your team. This season hit jungler's very, very hard however we were also buffed so if you understand the mechanics of a champion you will you are good at exploit the spirit items I have noticed a lot of junglers without one 12 minutes in the game and this completely wrong secondly spirit items are far better than wriggles even with its recent buff the item does not give you heal on smite which a lot of people do not seem to notice, the heal you get from smite with a spirit stone or any spirit item is far better than the ward and bonus damage you get later on in the game from wriggles I have experimented on this and I can safely tell you spirit item > wriggles at nearly every point of the game the only time you want wriggles over spirit stone I would image is if you are absolutely confident you will not need the sustain and you will make better use of the sustain provided by wriggles which scales very well with attack speed champions and items however works terribly on champions that are mana hungry and/ or have low sustain. In case you are thinking about it. Doran blade start is highly ineffective in this season unless you get 1k gold PLUS on your first back if you do not then you are immediately behind I say this for two reason first I have tried it second you want a jungler item complete as soon as possible so if you do not get at least two kills early be it you’re on or assists then you will have sustain problems and have to “b” a few times. So starting machete is generally the best. I have been playing league of legends for a year and spent 80 % of that time as a jungler. I also watch streams by trick2g, stonewall, nightblue2 and theoddone and am very familiar with every single tactic by most junglers in every elo below gold by personal experience and above by watching streams and reading articles. I may not be a pro but I definitely have experience enter image description here

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