Items likeSay I go Katarina and I have Deathfire Grasp, Mikael's Crucible, Hextech Gunbladethen I go all in, Blade ofand after I start the Ruined King, etcult I try to activate the item. Will my character have to cancel the spell to use the item?
Without mentioning Zhonya's Hourglass, If I wanttry to use any of these itemsit, will these stop delayed spells AND channeling spellsmy ult be cancelled?
Channeling spells, like
- Katarina's ult Death Lotus
- Malzahar's ult Nether Grasp
- Vi's Q Vault Breaker
- Warwick's ult Infinite Duress
- Nunu's ult Absolute Zero
- Xerath's Q Arcanopulse
Delayed spells, such asAre there exceptions with certain items/champions?
- Ryze's Q, W, E
- Mordekaiser's W, E, R
- Talon's W Rake
- Nasus's E Spirit Fire
- Aatrox's Q Dark Flight
- Evelynn's ult Agony's Embrace.