I feel really silly but I can't figure how to use it. I did read FAQ, but there is nothing about basic usage there.
Basically I just open program, load the replay, and thatsthat's it,. I don't see no charts noror anything else. The only thing that is shown is the name of the map played... whatWhat am I missing?
OSI'm running Windows 7 (I did try to run it in WinXP compatibility mode, also "asas an administrator), and Warcraft client version 1.24e.
Edit: after scanning entire folders, it seems War3Chart thinks that all but 2 of my replays are currupted. Whole load of them except 2corrupted. BothSome are downloaded andor my own, both Multiplayer and vssome are multi-player or versus AI. It's not really possibleI doubt that War3Chart is right, how so many replays can be corrupted? :(