I used priest my first play through. The deck was essentially the same as the 'Amaz' deck, but iI ran two sunwalkersSunwalkers instead of ragRag and facelessFaceless. You could also run mass dispelMass Dispel, sunfury protectorSunfury Protector/defenderDefender of argusArgus with ancient watchersAncient Watchers and/or silenceSilence. I've
I've noticed a lot of other people finding themselves at a point where they have drawn their deck and fatiguing before they win.
Alternatively you could run freeze mageFreeze Mage or control mageControl Mage, like the deck to the poster before me has@Raven_Dreamer mentioned.
I've also beaten Anub'Rekhan with the new Zoo variant that Kolento has introduced.
There is a fair few guides on reddit.com/r/hearthstoneguides on reddit that go more in depth.