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youYou can stealth assainateassassinate up to 3 people ive, I've tried it. i dont

I don't know the controls for xboxXbox but for ps3PS3 you press xX to fast walk toward them and when you reach them kep=epkeep on fast walking and press squareSquare. afterAfter you assainat 1assassinate one, press squareSquare again to move to the other. you

You can do this 3 times in succesionsuccession

you can stealth assainate up to 3 people ive tried it. i dont know the controls for xbox but for ps3 you press x to fast walk toward them and when you reach them kep=ep on fast walking and press square. after you assainat 1 press square again to move to the other. you can do this 3 times in succesion

You can stealth assassinate up to 3 people, I've tried it.

I don't know the controls for Xbox but for PS3 you press X to fast walk toward them and when you reach them keep on fast walking and press Square. After you assassinate one, press Square again to move to the other.

You can do this 3 times in succession

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you can stealth assainate up to 3 people ive tried it. i dont know the controls for xbox but for ps3 you press x to fast walk toward them and when you reach them kep=ep on fast walking and press square. after you assainat 1 press square again to move to the other. you can do this 3 times in succesion