I have a little probemproblem about how to build Yasuo. With my currently usedcurrent item build i, I reach at the end ~90% critcritical chance. But of course it would obviously be better to reach the 100% mark.
Current Runes are 5xCrit Marks, 4xAD Marks, 9xScaling Health Seals, 9xMR Glyphs, 3xAD Essences.
My currently usedcurrent item build: Doran's Blade, Statikks, Berserker Greaves, IE, BT, LW and one defense item like Randuins, Banshee's or GA.
My problem is that Yasuo has just 80% critical strike with this build. With my 5% critcritical chance from runes I come up to 90%.
Is that already enough? Or shall ishould I change LW for Trinity Force? Or better change Statikks for PhandomPhantom Dancer?