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A The leader of aour clan kickskicked us and leave eventuallyleft the clan
ourOur leader just kickkicked us out of our clan, and he eventually leaves andleft. There are no members left Inin our clan and it is set forto be closed. whatWhat can I do to recover our clan andif I'm just an elder.?
A leader of a clan kicks us and leave eventually
our leader just kick us out of our clan and he eventually leaves and no members left In our clan and set for closed. what can I do to recover our clan and I'm just an elder.
The leader of our clan kicked us and left the clan
Our leader just kicked us out of our clan, and he eventually left. There are no members left in our clan and it is set to be closed. What can I do to recover our clan if I'm just an elder?
our leader just kick us out of our clan and he eventually leaves and no members left In our clan and set for closed. what can I do to recover our clan and I'm just an elder.