Push Letho away with Aard, immediately follow that with strong or fast attacks,approximately for approximately 2-3 hits, repeat the process until you run out of Vigor,Vigor; when that happens, run away. If Letho puts Quen up, set a Yrden infrontin front of you to tear it away and buy you some breathing room. Don't attack Letho up close unless you're absolutely sure you want to, and make sure you Parry,parry and attack only when he isn't, if. If you can stun him by Parryingparrying, excellent, but only Parryparry when youryou're just about to be hit by one of his blows. Also, make sure youryou're using the Steel sword, as it provesit's more effective against humans. You can also set up a few traps quickly if you wish, and ALWAYS dodge to the right just before the battle begins, so Geralt can shift away from Letho's Aard if that's his first move.
Punctuation, better explanation, grammar, spelling, etc.