As Anton writes it
There has been an update, which made a few changes in the last Codex room :
- You have a dagger of gold in the start, and no other weapon appears through the entire level.
- The white skeleton mage has been removed in the last room.
- The Green slime has been replaced by a yellow scroll
This means that there's another (kinda cheaty way) to do this level.
First, illkill the first shopkeeper. Then follow these steps:
- At the next keeper you get a bomb
- Move all the way to the left
- Explode some of the wall
- You can now navigate through the door behind the shopkeeper.
Repeat this I did this all the way to the last shopkeeper.
At the last keeper it's almost impossible to not kill him with all the goodies one has collected but not yet used. one way to do it here is:
- Throw dagger at him
- Let him attack you so that he freezes
- Collect the dagger again and then finish him off...
Antons way is more fun, and is propably how it was meant to be done, but this is the kind of game where you make your own rules :P