It would appear as though the amount of ultimate charge is granted based on the maxcurrent health of the target when the kill is registered by the death-zone at the bottom of the pit.
Recently, I was playing Pharah on NepalTest case 1:Sanctum Winston (the one with the death pit taking up half the indoor space500HP) Environmental
Test case 2: Winston (~240HP) Damage+Environmental
Test case 3: Winston (500HP) Full Damage
Test case 4: Winston Primal Rage (1000HP) Environmental
Test case 5: Tracer (150HP) Environmental
Test case 6: Tracer (120HP) Punch+Suicide
We can see from these clips that, with ~11%negating the over time ultimate charge. The enemy team was comprised of 6 Winstons. After dealing a moderategain, the amount of damage to one of themcharge gained is consistent with rockets (charging to ~26% ultimate)the total damage dealt, I managed to hit 4not including any measure of them with a concussive blastoverkill.
One managed to jump back up, but 3 unlucky monk-uhhFor reference: For every 15 points of damage dealt by or as a result of Pharah's actions, scientists fell to their doom. This charged my1% ultimate to ~87% (I was still firing rockets at this time, bear in mind)charge is granted. This indicates 20% permeans 33.3% charge for Winston killed, with 500 health per Winston.
I will perform some further testing later and update my answer accordingly with solid evidence and10% for Tracer .gifs to support this case(consistent with what we see above).