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Actually, the size has alota lot to do withtwith the Pokémon's stats in the game. I leveled up two pidgeysPidgeys until they were both onat the same point on the cpCP meter. One was an xlXL and the other regular. The xl's cpXL's CP was 79, while the othersother's was at 73. So imagine the margin between an xlXL and xsXS Pokémon. It could be averta very big cpCP difference.

And to the above theory that an xl pokemonXL Pokémon requires more stardust and candy is- it's simply not true. I have an xlXL and regulat vennonatregular Venonat at the same spot on the cpCP meter and they both take 400 starfuststardust and one candy to upgrade.

Actually the size has alot to do witht the game. I leveled up two pidgeys until they were both on the same point on the cp meter. One was an xl and the other regular. The xl's cp was 79 while the others was at 73. So imagine the margin between an xl and xs Pokémon. It could be avert big cp difference.

And to the above theory that an xl pokemon requires more stardust and candy is simply not true. I have an xl and regulat vennonat at the same spot on the cp meter and they both take 400 starfust and one candy to upgrade.

Actually, the size has a lot to do with the Pokémon's stats in the game. I leveled up two Pidgeys until they were both at the same point on the CP meter. One was an XL and the other regular. The XL's CP was 79, while the other's was at 73. So imagine the margin between an XL and XS Pokémon. It could be a very big CP difference.

And to the above theory that an XL Pokémon requires more stardust and candy - it's simply not true. I have an XL and regular Venonat at the same spot on the CP meter and they both take 400 stardust and one candy to upgrade.

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Actually the size has alot to do witht the game. I leveled up two pidgeys until they were both on the same point on the cp meter. One was an xl and the other regular. The xl's cp was 79 while the others was at 73. So imagine the margin between an xl and xs Pokémon. It could be avert big cp difference.

And to the above theory that an xl pokemon requires more stardust and candy is simply not true. I have an xl and regulat vennonat at the same spot on the cp meter and they both take 400 starfust and one candy to upgrade.