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As a jungler you're main job is to mainly rotate with your mid, and solo. A tip I can give you as a former main jungle, never clear minions without your mid or solo, its a bad move cause your mid just lost XP and gold, you need to stall the wave by letting the minions fight, if your mid is still not there before the last big creep is dead than go ahead and kill the rest, its his fault for not being there. Or if he is dead, that's the only acception. Also if you play thanatos in the jungle you do not need bumbas mask, get death toll and tier 1 boots. Also, get wrath relic for early game gold fury.

 I hope I helped out a bit(:

As a jungler you're main job is to mainly rotate with your mid, and solo. A tip I can give you as a former main jungle, never clear minions without your mid or solo, its a bad move cause your mid just lost XP and gold, you need to stall the wave by letting the minions fight, if your mid is still not there before the last big creep is dead than go ahead and kill the rest, its his fault for not being there. Or if he is dead, that's the only acception. Also if you play thanatos in the jungle you do not need bumbas mask, get death toll and tier 1 boots. Also, get wrath relic for early game gold fury.

 I hope I helped out a bit(:

As a jungler you're main job is to mainly rotate with your mid, and solo. A tip I can give you as a former main jungle, never clear minions without your mid or solo, its a bad move cause your mid just lost XP and gold, you need to stall the wave by letting the minions fight, if your mid is still not there before the last big creep is dead than go ahead and kill the rest, its his fault for not being there. Or if he is dead, that's the only acception. Also if you play thanatos in the jungle you do not need bumbas mask, get death toll and tier 1 boots. Also, get wrath relic for early game gold fury.

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As a jungler you're main job is to mainly rotate with your mid, and solo. A tip I can give you as a former main jungle, never clear minions without your mid or solo, its a bad move cause your mid just lost XP and gold, you need to stall the wave by letting the minions fight, if your mid is still not there before the last big creep is dead than go ahead and kill the rest, its his fault for not being there. Or if he is dead, that's the only acception. Also if you play thanatos in the jungle you do not need bumbas mask, get death toll and tier 1 boots. Also, get wrath relic for early game gold fury.

 I hope I helped out a bit(: