This is a very strange phenomenon hostile mobs will start spawning at night then all of a sudden vanish with out a trace within 2 days (Minecraft time). First they spawned regularly within the world I created then my game froze and crashed twice now when I go into the game no hostile mobs spawn at all and no crashing occurs.
Modlist I am using
If this isn't the right place to have this answered then I will go to Minecraft forge to ask this.
Edit: Hmmmm...I'm going to check something out really quick and see if the problem is what I think it is.
Re-Edit: I found out the issue. It was that I had a mob spawn editor mod named NoMobsSpawnOnTrees. The spawns per tick was set to 0.0 so I set it to 20.0. So far hostile mobs do spawn at night now
Extra spawning tries per tick. This only applies to hostile mobs.
D:extraSpawningTries=20.0 <-- was set to 0.0 before
Make sure you set this in the settings if you want hostile mobs to spawn at night.