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Timeline for Pros and Cons of Pushing lane?

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Apr 29, 2017 at 12:01 comment added Denker @Okami It's actually not quite as simple as you put it. For example, on most maps you just have one dedicated sololaner while the rest is rotating as 4 between the other lanes. Also this answer misses a lot of the strategic decisions involved when it comes to pushing a lane or not. I'm gonna write up a more detailed answer tomorrow, if needed.
Apr 29, 2017 at 10:20 comment added Okami There is no entitled jungler...or every hero can be a jungler now. I see Zeratul, Valera or Dehaka as the classic archetype of jungler. I guess as long as every lane is cover by at least 1 hero, the remaining ones are free to roam and help. That would mean this game revolve around 4 objectives (by order of importance) 1/ Nexus destruction 2/ Objectif control (map specific) 3/ Teamfight dominance 4/ Lane presence.
Apr 29, 2017 at 9:40 history answered VanBuzzKill CC BY-SA 3.0