bestBest way iveI've found is to make a square 6x6 or bigger of double crops, plant your seed in one corner, and let it spread all the way across tothe opositeto the opposite corner, by the time it gets there it should have jumped a haldfullhandful of levels a. A 111 seed should easily be close to 555 or better by the other end its. It's best to analyseanalyze all the seeds on the far edge though incase the highest genome seed wasntwasn't the first to reach the end.
asAs for speeding this up water channels and sprinklers work well once you have iron also. Also try and do your mutation breeding with 10-10-10 stock as that will give you a resulting 5-5-5 seed to level up with.
forFor example lvl: LVL 10-10-10 wheat + lvlLVL 10-10-10 mellonmelon would give lvlLVL 5-5-5 mystical white seed instead of the usual 1-1-1 youdyou'd get from mutating with 1-1-1 seeds
starting. Starting with 5-5-5 makes further leveling much faster.