I often find myself in a situation where I as a jungler have a huge lead (Kha'Zix, Lee Sin) but somehow manage to throw it when it comes to close out a game.
In my most recent game, I played Kha'Zix, had a huge lead including first blood and assist on first tower, and in the end managed to die often and lose to Kindred who was at this point too well-fed.
Regarding my replay, I just started dying over and over and thus loosing my shutdown gold to the enemy team. Since I'm Gold V, I'm still not aware of how to efficiently close out a game.
- How do I transition an early lead into finishing a game?
- What can I do to not fall behind as an early / mid game meelemelee?
- How could and shut I have kept this Kindred & Twisted Fate (who where behind pretty bad) efficentlyefficiently shut down?