thereThere is a legendary gem.... thereThere are alota lot of mods you candcan do to an item,: add life points, regeneration points....
asAs for the sockets, alotthere is a lot of confusion as to how you can keep a barbarian from dying with no offensive . thereThere are cube options , for
leap leap, or furious ragethatrage that enables 80% of damage to be removed for 8 seconds...there There is a cube optionsoption to heal 4% of life per hit....
alotA lot of damage comes from element...elements - a white gem in a sockets can help absorbeabsorb that...
some skilllsSome skills help survive through hits that would usually kill a barbarian too...
seemsSeems like nooobishnoobish start, best iI can guess...
someSome leachers can last a long time on that , iI guess...