To provide evidence from experience:
I collected almost all experience in my first run of the game and then went back to collect the rest. I checked that none of the experience I missed required any skills I only gained later in the game.
Some experience requires advanced grappling-hook skills though. This includes the following case, which I consider the most difficult to obtain on a first run:
Roughly in the middle of the Crystal Caverns, you are about to cross a bridge which is almost immediately destroyed by a skeleton. The level continues through the water beneath, but the bridge led to a chest and two units of experience. Unless I missed something, this experience can only be obtained as follows:
- Rush onto the bridge immediately before it is destroyed. Since the bridge remains destroyed if you return to the last check point, the only way to retry this is to restart the entire level.
- Jump out of the water below with the thief and immediately target the beam on the bridge’s upper support beamright base with the thiefgrappling hook. Since you have to hit a small target in a short time frame, this is quite difficult.
- You upgraded the wizard’s plank skill for two planks, which you can just do with the experience just before that if you go for full experience or if you never upgraded the box skill. You then build your own bridge using one plank counterweighted with a box (or other heavy item you took with you) to shorten the gap for the second plank.
Use skills obtained later in the game such as the floating platform.