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Fixed esc to Pause (Fixed problem with not counting time correctly in paused state)
Source Link
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod( '');

  7. ESC to Pause will bind the escape key so that when it is pressed, it will pause the game. Has some use cases.

    7a. Code: javascript:var press = 0;document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (press == 0 && key == 27){Game.toSave=true;Game.timedout=true;pressTimeout();press = 1;}else if (press == 1 && key == 27){Game.Resume();press = 0;}};

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading

// ECS to pasue
var press = 0;
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
        var key = key || e.keyCode;
        if (press == 0 && key == 27) {
        press = 1;
        } else if (press == 1 && key == 27) {
            press = 0;
    }    }
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod( '');

  7. ESC to Pause will bind the escape key so that when it is pressed, it will pause the game. Has some use cases.

    7a. Code: var press = 0;document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (press == 0 && key == 27){Game.toSave=true;Game.timedout=true;press = 1;}else if (press == 1 && key == 27){Game.Resume();press = 0;}};

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading

// ECS to pasue
var press = 0;
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (press == 0 && key == 27){
        press = 1;
    }else if (press == 1 && key == 27){
        press = 0;
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod( '');

  7. ESC to Pause will bind the escape key so that when it is pressed, it will pause the game. Has some use cases.

    7a. Code: javascript:var press = 0;document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (press == 0 && key == 27){Game.Timeout();press = 1;}else if (press == 1 && key == 27){Game.Resume();press = 0;}};

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading

// ECS to pasue
var press = 0;
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
        var key = key || e.keyCode;
        if (press == 0 && key == 27) {
            press = 1;
        } else if (press == 1 && key == 27) {
            press = 0;
Added ESC to Pause
Source Link
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code:  javascript:Game.LoadMod( '');

  7. ESC to Pause will bind the escape key so that when it is pressed, it will pause the game. Has some use cases.

    7a. Code: var press = 0;document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (press == 0 && key == 27){Game.toSave=true;Game.timedout=true;press = 1;}else if (press == 1 && key == 27){Game.Resume();press = 0;}};

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading

// ECS to pasue
var press = 0;
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (press == 0 && key == 27){
        press = 1;
    }else if (press == 1 && key == 27){
        press = 0;
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code:javascript:Game.LoadMod('');

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code:  javascript:Game.LoadMod( '');

  7. ESC to Pause will bind the escape key so that when it is pressed, it will pause the game. Has some use cases.

    7a. Code: var press = 0;document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (press == 0 && key == 27){Game.toSave=true;Game.timedout=true;press = 1;}else if (press == 1 && key == 27){Game.Resume();press = 0;}};

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading

// ECS to pasue
var press = 0;
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (press == 0 && key == 27){
        press = 1;
    }else if (press == 1 && key == 27){
        press = 0;
fixed idle trading
Source Link
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code:  javascript:(function({Game.LoadMod('');}());

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code:  javascript:(function({Game.LoadMod('');}());

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading
  1. Cookie monster is an extension that will show you more stats but will not do things like auto click, or auto click on gold cookies, but can help a lot with different things.

    1a. Code: javascript:Game.LoadMod("");

  2. Autosave to file will allow you to automatically save your game to a file so you don't lose progress (also great for making restore points).

    2a. Code: javascript:var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));setInterval(function(){Game.FileSave()},time)

  3. Perfect Idling is an upgrade that is normal debug only, but is really good for normal gameplay. It enables you to keep producing cookies even while the game is closed.

    3a. Code: javascript:Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

  4. Auto Clicker is a tool that I use to auto-click.

    4a. Code: javascript:(function(){if(window._activeClickInterval){clearInterval(window._activeClickInterval);delete window._activeClickInterval}else{window._activeClickInterval=setInterval(Game.ClickCookie,10)}})();

  5. Alt to sell Is a bookmarklet that uses the alt key to sell.

    5a. Code: javascript:document.onkeydown = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(1);}};document.onkeyup = function(e) {var key = key || e.keyCode;if (key == 18) {Game.storeBulkButton(0);}};

  6. Idle Trading is useful if you want to achieve profits in the stock market without constantly checking prices.

    6a. Code:javascript:Game.LoadMod('');

// Cookie Monster

// Auto Save
var time=1e3*parseInt(prompt("How many seconds between saves?","3600"));

// Perfect Idling
Game.Upgrades["Perfect idling"].earn()

// Auto-clicker
(function() {
    if (window._activeClickInterval) {
        delete window._activeClickInterval
    } else {
        window._activeClickInterval = setInterval(Game.ClickCookie, 10)

//Alt to sell
document.onkeydown = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {
document.onkeyup = function(e) {
    var key = key || e.keyCode;
    if (key == 18) {

// Idle Trading
Added a colon, un minified some code
Source Link
Add idle trading
Source Link
Chase Sandmann
  • 4.1k
  • 4
  • 30
  • 65
Explain what perfect idling does and fix typos.
Source Link
  • 692
  • 1
  • 7
  • 21
Made it a community wiki; Post Made Community Wiki
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Source Link