There are four rarity levels in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer trading card packs.
- Blue - Common.
- Silver - Uncommon
- Gold - Rare
- Black - N7 or "Ultra-Rare"
Recruit Packs and Veteran Packs have the same potential items, though Veteran packs have a better chance at Silver and Gold (like the description says). The only way to get N7 items is from Spectre packs.
Here's the full list of what's what:
- Human Vanguard
- Human Soldier
- Human Infiltrator
- Human Engineer
- Human Adept
- Human Sentinel
- Turian Soldier
- Turian Sentinel
- Asari Vanguard
- Quarian Infiltrator [note: makes Geth weaksauce]
- Drell Adept
- Salarian Engineer
- Krogan Soldier
- Krogan Sentinel
- Asari Adept
- Drell Vanguard
- Quarian Engineer
- Salarian Infiltrator
Note: Opening a class you already have gives an XP boost and unlocks a new customization option.
- M3 Predator (Pistol)
- M23 Katana (Shotgun)
- M8 Avenger (Rifle)
- M92 Mantis (Sniper)
- M4 Shuriken (SMG)
- M5 Phalanx (Pistol)
- M9 Tempest (SMG)
- M27 Scimitar (Shotgun)
- M22 Eviscerator (Shotgun)
- M96 Mattock (Rifle)
- M15 Vindicator (Rifle)
- M97 Viper (Sniper)
- M29 Incisor (Sniper)
- M13 Raptor (Sniper?)
- M12 Locust (SMG)
- Phaeston (Rifle)
- M6 Carnifax (Pistol)
- Arc Pistol (Pistol)
- M25 Hornet (SMG)
- M300 Claymore (Shotgun)
- Disciple (Shotgun)
- Geth Plasma Shotgun (Shotgun)
- Graal Spike Thrower (Shotgun)
- M37 Falcon (Rifle)
- M76 Revenant (Rifle)
- M98 Widow (Sniper)
- Geth Pulse Rifle (Rifle)
N7 - Ultra-Rare:
- Scorpion (Pistol)
- M99 Saber (Rifle)
- M77 Paladin (Pistol)
- M11 Wraith (Shotgun)
- Black Widow (Sniper)
- Javelin (Sniper)
- M358 Talon (Pistol)
There is also one exception: The Collector Assault Rifle, which is a GOLD, but comes with the art book, so it isn't like the other weapons and it doesn't appear in any of the packs.
Other Items
- Consumables
- Some Weapons Mods
- Some other Weapon mods
- Respec Kits.
- consumable quantity increase
You can get weapons up to level 10 (X) and mods up to level 5 (V).