Tali and Ashley showed up in my ending. I romanced Tali so that makes sense according to Eric's explanation. I took Tali and Ashley on every mission in the first third or so of the game, but then I switched to Tali and Garrus on every mission for more than the last half. I also missed the shot in the Garrus "bromance" scene. I'm pretty sure that Eric is right anyway, but I did find it odd that Ashley was the one instead of Garrus. If anyone were to replace Garrus though, Ashley does make the most sense in my case so yea, Eric is probably right.
For EDI, she should show up as long as you didn't pick the destroy ending. I'm not sure why she didn't appear in yours because you picked the Synthesis one. Hm...
It was great to see that Tali survived (hope Garrus did too), but I agree that it's strange... What was Joker doing flying through a Mass Relay anyway when everyone else was fighting around Earth? Even stranger is the fact that some of Shepard's squad were on the Normandy too =P Perhaps Joker thought that explosion from the Crucible was a real (deadly to humans) explosion so he was trying to escape... but how'd he get all the way out to the Mass Relay from Earth unless he was already right near it when the Crucible went off?