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Boot Camp is an OS Xa macOS utility that allows an Intel-based Mac to install and boot into Windows. Boot Camp additionally provides Mac hardware drivers for Windows. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

Boot Camp is an OS X utility that allows an Intel-based Mac to install and boot into Windows. Boot Camp additionally provides Mac hardware drivers for Windows. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

Boot Camp is a macOS utility that allows an Intel-based Mac to install and boot into Windows. Boot Camp additionally provides Mac hardware drivers for Windows. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

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Boot Camp is a Macan OS X utility that allows any givenan Intel-based Mac running on Mac OS X 10.6 or greater to install and boot into a non-Apple operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Linux. Boot Camp alsoadditionally provides Mac hardware drivers for windows as wellWindows. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

Boot Camp is a Mac OS X utility that allows any given Intel-based Mac running on Mac OS X 10.6 or greater to install and boot into a non-Apple operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Linux. Boot Camp also provides Mac hardware drivers for windows as well. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

Boot Camp is an OS X utility that allows an Intel-based Mac to install and boot into Windows. Boot Camp additionally provides Mac hardware drivers for Windows. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

Boot Camp is a Mac OS X utility that allows any given Intel-based Mac running on Mac OS X 10.6 or greater to install and boot into a non-Apple operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Linux. Boot Camp also provides Mac hardware drivers for windows as well. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.

Boot Camp is a Mac OS X utility that allows any given Intel-based Mac running on Mac OS X 10.6 or greater to install and boot into a non-Apple operating system such as Microsoft Windows or Linux. Boot Camp also provides Mac hardware drivers for windows as well. Boot Camp is not emulation or virtualization software.
