Maybe my choice of keyword searching is seriously flawed. But inIn the past I have had games saved ongames to the normal hdhard disk, andbut now that the xboxXbox has the option to save game data to a cloud based service I am considering it. As I'd hate to have another xbox blow out on meusing this instead, and lose some ofas I would like to ensure that in the game dataevent anything happens to my Xbox that I will still have as some of the save games I haven't played all the way through or I am working on getting full achievements for. Whatever the case, so that said Im going on the ideagames that everything from here on should be in the cloud, only problem is I have been saving on the HD up til nowplay. And
I have been searchingsearched online for an answer,information on how to set this up but can't find one as of yet.
Sohaven't found any information so I amwas hoping someonethat somebody here will know.would know;
Is it possible and if so how? How would I export save data from the HDhard disk to the cloud, so I can start using the cloud as my primary save point?