The entire lower third of my vault is normally unoccupied and full of production rooms that exist solely to increase my power/food/water storage. Unfortunately, incidents do happen down there, so I send dwellers down there occasionally to squash roaches and choke Molerats to death with their delicious meats. Invariably, because of the horrible, horrible controls, some of them die. But I am not without compassion, so I revive them. That's when things go wrong.
I have done some testing, and dwellers seem to randomly choose one of three things to do after dying and being resurrected during an incident, after the incident is over. They either a) decide that being dead wasn't break enough and go idle (coffee break), b)return to their properly assigned work area (like all good dwellers should) or c) begin working in the room where they met their unfortunate demise.
No problem, right? Just wait till the incident is over, THEN revive them, right? No dice. They then either begin working in the room they woke up in, or go for coffee.
So my question. How do I predict what my dwellers will do after reviving? More importantly, how do I, if possible, force them to return to their regularly scheduled duties? (Removing rooms is not an option)