I'm creating a map where the player gets four pieces of wool ( Red Black Blue Green ) and I need it so if they place the block anywhere it will trigger a command block.
I have tried:
/testfor @a {SelectedItem:{id:minecraft:wool,Damage:14s}}
< I wanted to manipulate this but I had no idea how.scoreboard objectives: the first thing I tried because I hoped there was a
or something along those lines but i Had no luck./testforblocks
: So I am unsure of the way to use this. I would have hoped it was something like this:/testforblocks 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 minecraft:wool 14
but no it didnt work that way. Instead it has this:/testforblocks x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x y z [mode]
which I believe I have to make a clone of the map and then it will testfor a block placed? I am unsure/testforblock
: now this would probably work but it involves a lot of command blocks and when I tried to do it things started getting muddled upInstead of wool I thought there might be a way to implement the sign clickevent tag into different kinds of swords but to no avail.
/execute @a ~ ~ ~ /testforblock
: I though of this and then realised it would still need a regionmy other idea was to do this
/testforblock <playername>[xd=,zd=,yd=]
but i dismissed that thought.
So I've tried to this by myself and nothing has really worked. The most promising is just making a bunch of testforblock
Just had a more promising idea of using armor stands with marker disabled to testforblock.
2nd Edit
Alright so I filled the area I need with no marker invisible armor stands. Then I used this command:
/execute @e[type=armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ /testforblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:wool 14
I ran it in a repeating command block and got this error:
[12:55:37] Failed to execute '/testforblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:wool 14' as testfor
So new question: How do I fix this error?