It seems like I have only two rooms left (got the red gun), Laying The Foundation (top left in the map; I know what the problem is, there) and A Jump Too Far (in the middle). On other screenshots I have seen at least three more rooms in the section marked red, but I can't find any route I haven't taken a dozen times. Is it something incredibly obvious?! (or is this through the door marked The End? It's still blocked…)
2 Answers
You have to use the red gun to unblock and then to go through the door marked "The End".
Look at the floor, and pay attention to details, like a small gap.
I would like to point out that it is perfectly possible to get through here with only the yellow gun. I wouldn't recommend it though as it is far easier to complete with the red gun. Just use the gap in the floor and yellow gun to drag the blocks up/use the red gun to grow blocks destroying the blocks preventing you from proceeding.