I read from here that the only thing that

The only thing that affects the amount of damage done right now is the number of turrets used to perform the strike. The damage modifier, the meta/tech level of the turret, and even the type (blasters vs. railgun f.ex.) do not affect the amount of damage done.

In my mind the best ship would be the one with the most turret hard points. Assuming that I haven't overlooked anything which ship(s) in Eve have the most turret hard points?

1 Answer 1


Orbital bombardment uses small guns, so there is no need to use large ships for this purpose. From the orbital bombardement dev blog:

As one might assume, more guns are just better, so I recommend the destroyer hull as the best compromise between damage, mobility and cost for this particular task.

Among the destroyers, only the Catalyst and the Coercer have 8 turrets, so those two seem to be best suited for the task (ignoring the difference between hybrid, projectile and laser turrets for orbital bombardement).

  • Does it actually matter how many guns you have? If so, how?
    – user28015
    Commented May 27, 2013 at 9:24
  • "The only thing that affects the amount of damage done right now is the number of turrets used to perform the strike."
    – Ashterothi
    Commented Jun 1, 2013 at 2:53

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