When I destroyed all resonators on an enemy portal, I have various options to place the resonators.
I can either
- set the highest resonators right away or
- start with lower resonators and gradually replace them with higher ones.
By default (Button "Deploy Resonator") Ingress seems to set lower resonators first, so I would have to replace them with higher ones later.
What is the way to gain the most AP when deploying resonators on a portal..?
I would like answers on two cases:
a) ..when I am alone.
b) ..when I am with a friend.
Usually when I am with a friend we start with the lowest resonator level and replace each others resos with a reso of one level higher, because we think that replacing a foreign resonator gives you AP while replacing your own does not. I am not sure about this though.
PS: When answering please focus on AP gain and ignore the following factors:
- amount of Resonators used
- amount of XM used
- resonator location
- other strategic considerations (bait resonators, ...)