There are a few ways to easily deal with the librarians.
The Pacifist
Remember what Miller tells you about the Librarians:
- They will only attack when provoked.
- You must maintain eye-contact with them at all times. In other words, keep your cross-hair aimed at his eyes.
- Do not move towards them. That will be an act of aggression and they will attack you.
- If they do start coming towards you (not in an aggressive manner), slowly walk backwards.
- When they walk right up to your face and scream and bang their fists, they are just showing their dominance. Keep eye contact, remain calm and continue to slowly walk backwards, never towards them.
- Do not turn your back to them; they will see that as a cowardly act and attack you.
Once the Librarian is done showing off, you can simply walk through their territory. This Youtube vid shows the pacifist method
The Aggressor
Use the Librarian's animal instincts against them:
- Have your shotgun loaded and ready.
- Allow the Librarian to get right up into your face by using the Pacifist method.
- When you see the white their eyes, fire a couple of quick rounds off with the shotgun. Should take just a couple to the head, especially when they are so close you can feel their breath on your face.
Alternate Method: If you are paying attention in the Library, you'll notice a number of arrows in the walls. The arrows are a hint...
- Bring a Helsing into the Library.
- Pump the Helsing up to maximum pressure.
- Fire off a few rounds into the Librarian.
- Librarian dies. You pick up the arrows and use them on the next beast.
Remember, Librarians are our friends. They're just pissed off that someone screwed up their Dewey Decimal cards.