Well yeah... I know what you're thinking. ADC Nami WTF?? But I just had some thoughts and theorycrafting on this one and I was really surprised with the results. I couldn't find a real point that speaks against an ADC Nami or at least not one she can't compensate for.
First of all her more important stats:
- A 550 range on Autoattacks which is pretty standard on ADCs
- A base MS of 340 (which would be pretty fast for an ADC)
- Base AD of 48.3 and +3.1 every Level (a bit above Average on most ADCs)
Now about her Abilities and scalings:
- Can buff movementspeed to herself
- Built in Auto Attack steroid and Slow
- Ablility to heal herself while doing damage to the enemy
- Lots of CC
Now basically this means that she has the stats of a normal ADC (a bit less health but more MS/AD), A skillset that doesn't scale with AD itself but it's very viable for an ADC since you can Hunt down an enemy and you can also escape more easily than most other ADCs without gapclosers. Also her Autoattack animation isn't too slow which makes lasthitting easier (it's about 10% faster than a Kog'Maw AAMissle).
I've also already tried it in some normal games and one ranked game and surprisingly I've never lost a lane or game (usually with a supporter which has some additional CC). With leona you can lock down an ADC for about 5-6 seconds if done right.
Now As already mentioned I don't really get why this champion isn't played as an ADC more often?
What are things that speak against an ADC Nami?