I'm trying out exploration at the moment and there are some aspects that don't really work well yet. I gave up on low-sec exploration as there were simply too many people that would hunt you down as soon as they noticed someone doing exploration.
The problem in high-sec now is that I simply don't find enough combat sites. I've tried to use the Dotlan maps and filter according to jumps or NPCs killed, but I don't see any pattern that would help me do exploration more efficiently. Even if I explicitly search for quiet systems, odds are that the few people in there are doing exploration, probably because it is a quiet system. Most systems I visit have typically no more than two scannable sites, and if I bother to scan them they're more often wormholes than not. And if I find a site, I often have to compete with another player running the same site.
I can run a DED 4/10 site very quickly in my Ishtar, but at the rate I'm finding them (and the rate they drop anything valuable), I might as well do level 4 missions.
Are there any tricks to high-sec exploration that make it more efficient? How can I find combat sites more efficiently?