I purchased Borderlands 2: Game of the Year Edition on PlayStation 3, and I have downloaded and installed all the included DLC's. Everything works fine.

When I reached level 61, I purchased and installed the Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode Pack 2 DLC. However, I still can not level past level 61, and when I attempt to enter the District Peak challenge, I am told that I do not have the Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode Pack 2 DLC.

What can I do to fix this?

  • Can you confirm you have the first vault hunter pack? I remembered it not being included with GOTY edition. My local retailer does specifically not list it as included, but does state that it includes "First level cap increase". However, My research seems to confirm that vault hunter pack 1 increases the level cap, vault hunter pack 2 unlocks the digistruct challenges. I don't have my old saves to check, personally
    – user106385
    Commented Nov 2, 2015 at 4:24

3 Answers 3


Try re-downloading the DLC, I have never had any issues with the Borderlands 2 DLC that could not be solved that way.

  • yea i already re-downloaded it several times, but it just never "activates"
    – Elderzin
    Commented May 3, 2015 at 18:29

Your best bet is to get gearbox support @ https://gearboxsoftware.zendesk.com/home

Good Luck


Possible things what to do (in this order preferably):

  • Wait a while; it could be just delayed

  • Re-download the DLC and wait

  • Steam: If you didn't already, Validate game files (right click Borderlands 2, go to Local Data Tab and 'Clock Check game files' or something simmilar)

  • Reinstall the game

  • Contact a devleloper / administrator

I checked online, all these methods helped at least once.

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