Background story: some friends and I are thinking of hiring our own TF2 server. We want it to be public, and any players are welcome.
One thing that really bothers us in every game in current public servers is when a player suddenly decides that all snipers in the team are idiots and the team desperately needs a third sniper. Coincidence or not, that's when the team's performance goes down the drain, and the opposite team rolls over yours like a bulldozer.
The same could be said for teams with 3+ spies, that would be just as true.
Is it possible to configure a TF2 server with a plugin to limit a team to at most 2 snipers and 2 spies?
If so, how? What's the best plugin for this (a quick Google search shows hundreds, but we can't say how mature or buggy they are)? How easy is it for a bunch of beginners who have never administered a TF2 server to start?
<Russian accent> Many thanks!