My house seems to only be surrounded by throwaway Pokemon, Pidgey, Caterpie, Rattata, etc. Occasionally a Jigglypuff will wander by to make things exciting.
So yesterday I popped my first Incense because I didn't feel like leaving the couch so I figured they'd come to me. Suddenly I get attacked by a Vulpix (not the rarest but new to me) and I know things are going to get interesting. About 20 minutes in I see this:
A wild Electabuzz, which apparently hatches from 10km eggs so I would presume quite rare as well as a Venusaur, the final evolution of a starter so presumably rare in the wild as well, both appear nearby.
I find it hard to believe it is coincidental that during this one time period where I used an Incense all the hard hitters came out to play. Does the Incense increase the chance of rare Pokemon spawning? Is it just a law of large numbers type situation, where if it lures so many Pokemon some are bound to be rare? Or was this just extremely lucky and coincidental?