So for various reasons my dwarves just fought off two Forgotten Beasts at once while a goblin siege looked on. One of the Beasts knocked over some doors on the way in, so I have a bunch of mangled XXdoorsXX and mechanisms. Surprisingly it seems I can use them like regular doors etc, even though they've been trampled by some beasts from the deeps. Is this a terrible idea? I get that good mechanisms are important for weapon traps, but is there anything else that I need them for?

2 Answers 2


Like most things, quality affects how other dwarves perceive value from items, including doors, windows, and most other things.

As far as I know, there is not a negative value modifier for things below regular quality. That would mean that your mangled doors are perfectly serviceable - they just won't make any nearby dwarves stop and ponder: "Damn. That is a fine, door!" anymore.

Depending on the original door quality, they may not have been doing that in the first place.


The items are perfectly serviceable; but beware!

Any subsequent attack will see the doors being destroyed faster than would shiny new ones.

  • This is important; the damage done by building destroyers is considered deterioration, so a door being attacked by a building destroyer becomes a xdoorx, then a XdoorX, then a XXdoorXX before finally disappearing, although it has a decent chance of being deconstructed (falling over) before then, at which point the BD will stop hitting it. However, artifacts are IMMUNE to deterioration, so if you want a BD-proof door, an artifact is the way to go if you're lucky enough to get one.
    – Paul Z
    Commented Oct 25, 2011 at 20:01

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